
Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds... message · Issue #73

2019年1月21日 — I get a constant Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds... Here is the output GET /scripts/ui.js HTTP/1.1 200 - code 404, message File not ...

Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds... · Issue #145

2020年6月18日 — ... snapdrop.net/. In the browser, I see Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds... In the debug console, I see WebSocket connection to 'wss:// ...

Fix Snapdrop Not Working with 9 Ways 2024

2023年9月6日 — Part 2: Fix Snapdrop Not Working - 9 Ways · Way 1. Check if both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi · Way 2. Turn off VPN connections · Way 3.


Instantly share images, videos, PDFs, and links with people nearby. Peer2Peer and Open Source. No Setup, No Signup.

Snapdrop doesn't seem to work anymore?

2021年11月5日 — Snapdrop isn't working for me? Is it just me or is it broken. If so, are there any alternatives I can use?

Snapdrop Not Working on iPhoneiPadPC? How to Fix It

Why Does Snapdrop Not Working? · Way 1: Check internet connection · Way 2: Update devices to the latest software version · Way 3: Clear cache and cookies · Way 4: ...

Snapdrop stopped working?

2022年12月4日 — Either I get stuck with an error message Connection interrupted, retrying in 5 secs or I get a splash screen telling me to connect to a WiFi ...


2021年2月23日 — 配置好之后,访问你nginx设置的域名,即可打开SnapDrop了,如果没有出现Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds…的提示,就说明配置成功,否则可能是 ...


2019年1月21日—IgetaconstantConnectionlost.Retryin5seconds...HereistheoutputGET/scripts/ui.jsHTTP/1.1200-code404,messageFilenot ...,2020年6月18日—...snapdrop.net/.Inthebrowser,IseeConnectionlost.Retryin5seconds...Inthedebugconsole,IseeWebSocketconnectionto'wss:// ...,2023年9月6日—Part2:FixSnapdropNotWorking-9Ways·Way1.CheckifbothdevicesareconnectedtothesameWi-Fi·Way2.TurnoffVPNconnections·Way3....